
Get in touch!

You can contact us by filling out the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

If you would like to request a quote, be sure to include details such as:

  • Required Air Conditioner Type (e.g. Ducted Reverse Cycle)
  • House wall type
  • Number of Storeys
  • Your suburb/location
  • Room/area dimensions (if you require a wall split)

What our customers are saying

The installation of our new ducted system was a breeze. The ductwork in the roof looks very neat and carefully placed. Thanks guys – definitely recommended!


I’m glad we went with Cool Me Air Conditioning. The guys proved to be very professional in the way they installed our split system. Everything met my expectations – easy!


The guys at Cool Me Air made the entire process simple. The installation was quick and tidy – and the air conditioner works brilliantly! Thank you!


I thank you for putting two split systems into my home. I am very happy with the workmanship and thank you for the same.


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Contact Us

You can get in touch with Anthony anytime for a free quote or any general enquiries.

Call Us by calling 0409 090 527

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0409 090 527
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